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Thermal Vapor Reompression (TVR)

Some of the steam (approximately 50%) formed in the evaporator or crystallizer is compressed by using high pressure steam in the thermocompressor and made usable again as heat input to the heat exchanger...


Multiple Effect
Evaporation / Crystallization (MEE)

It is an advantageous technology to use in evaporation and crystallization systems if the cost of steam is low in the region where the facility will be established...


Crystallizer Types

The crystallizer types generally used in the industry can be listed as follows;

  • Forced Circulation (FC)

  • Draft Tube Baffle (DTB)

  • Growth Type / Oslo

Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR)

It is an advantageous technology to use in evaporation and crystallization systems if the electricity cost is low in the region where the facility will be established. Mechanically compressed steam is reused as the heat input of the heat exchanger...

Flash Evaporation / Crystallization

In the technology called flash evaporation, the hot solution/liquid at the boiling point is given to a lower pressure environment, some of the solvent in it evaporates as flash and the solution/liquid cools...

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